Choosing Shoes For The Вaby

It’s not always easy to buy regular shoes for a baby not to mention special orthopedic shoes. Many parents will agree that sometimes they are confused while choosing the ortho shoes. How can you choose the right shoes for your baby without wasting extra time, nerves, and money? Keep on reading and find it out!

High-quality orthopedic children’s shoes should meet the following requirements:

1. They should be made only of high-quality calve leather, which doesn’t deform when wearing.
2. Harmful chemical dyes shouldn’t be used in the manufacture of such footwear.
3. The design of the shoe insole and fastening elements should allow to securely fix the child's foot and promote the correct development of gait motor. This can be achieved by the presence of hard heel support, hard elongated outer and inner quarters.
4. Shoe last should be suitable for anatomic features of children's feet, it should promote the correct load distribution when walking.
5. The sole should be wear-resistant and flexible enough. The sole flexion should occur in the front third of the toe part of the shoe.
6. The heel height in children's shoes should be no more than 5-7 mm. The heel should occupy at least a third of the whole sole area in order to provide support for the heel and the back part of the foot arch.

While manufacturing Twiki children's orthopedic shoes, specialists of the Trives company take care of the maximum comfort and convenience of wearing such shoes by children. For Twiki shoes we use only high-quality materials that are selected considering different climatic conditions and weather events.

You can find both black and blue collections for boys and pink and red collections for girls. Our shoes are suitable both for infants and toddlers, so it doesn’t matter if your child is a 1-year or 5-years old — Twiki has shoes that will suit your baby!