Does a child need orthopedic shoes? Tips for parents

Unfortunately, nowadays many children have different foot issues, thus, they have to wear orthopedic shoes. A child starts to walk at the age of 8 - 18 months. This is the exact time to buy him the first pair of shoes, that will be not just beautiful, but also useful, providing a positive effect on the health in general.
Usually, many orthopedists recommend orthopedic shoes as the best option for the first children’s shoes ever, but how can parents understand that their child needs exactly orthopedic shoes?
If you see that your child has any problems with walking on his own, or his feet shape doesn’t look right, visit the orthopedist. Unfortunately, nowadays foot pathologies are a common issue, and every second child somehow has them. Such pathologies as flat feet and clubfoot, hallux valgus foot deformity can be either congenital or acquired. Acquired foot pathologies may be a result of the following things: injuries, heavy loads, deformations of the foot due to wearing shoes of the wrong size (either too small, or with a room to grow into, or simply large), too tight and too loose shoes, improper positioning of the foot while walking. Orthopedic shoes are the effective prevention of foot deformities and a painless method of treating children's feet.