Functions of the instep support in children’s shoes

Most of you who’s reading these lines definitely know how insoles with an instep support look like. People who delved into this topic a little bit deeper even know that they help in cases of flat feet. However, the mechanism of action of these pads is still not fully clear to everyone. Thus, first of all, let's find out why was instep support even created and what functions it should perform.

Let's begin with the fact that while walking, the human foot makes many movements. If we simplify this as much as we can and omit the complicated terminology, then we will get the following description. A healthy foot isn’t flat, but arched. During walking, and especially running, when the foot touches the surface, this arc straightens (this process is called pronation by experts), and then comes back to its previous state (it’s supination). Due to this simple action, we receive a load shock absorption during the foot contact with a hard surface. Why do we need this? In order to relieve the load on the joints, the spine and even to prevent micro brain concussions. People who have flat feet, don’t have such pronation-supination connection, that’s why they don’t have any amortization effect while moving. In order to correct this disorder, instep supports were created. These are small rollers that allow creating foot supination.

Speaking about instep supports, we should say right along, that not all of them are the same. The above-given example is the so-called orthopedic backings, which are used exactly for the treatment of flat feet, as well as for the post-injury foot or lower leg treatment. They help to restore the foot deflection, give the foot stability, and bring the ligaments, muscles, and joints of the leg to their proper anatomical position. However, there are some other options of the instep support that don’t have a therapeutic effect but can affect the development of a child's foot.