How does a child's foot form?

The correct formation of the child’s foot is very important. Indeed, in the human musculoskeletal system, the feet provide many important functions: supporting, shock-absorbing, walking, and in general, movement in space and maintaining balance.
A newborn baby has feet the length of which is approximately 7.5 centimeters, however, small feet grow fast. In the second and third years of life, the child's feet grow by 2-3 sizes per year. Even at school age, the foot can grow at a rate of 1-2 sizes per year. Foot growth is usually completed only during adolescence.
Infants up to 3 years old have very soft and flexible feet. This is due to increased elasticity of the ligaments, underdeveloped muscles, and a fatty pad on the bottom of the front part of the feet. Besides, the bone tissue of babies contains just a few minerals, so their bones aren’t strong. For the same reasons, the longitudinal arch of the foot in children at this age is flat, which is a normal physiological state.