How to make physiotherapy and exercises more effective and interesting for children?

Pediatric physiotherapy offers a wide variety of treatments that can be prescribed to children from the first days of life. As a rule, such procedures are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of different diseases and the correct development of all body systems. The range of physiotherapy procedures for children differs from procedures that are performed on adults.
Physiotherapy is very common in the treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal system diseases, namely:
- Scoliotic disease
- Congenital clubfoot
- Congenital dislocation of the hip
- Osteochondropathy
- Injuries
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Of course, in the beginning, physiotherapy and exercises may be annoying for your child but as a parent, you can do certain things to make the process interesting and even more effective! First of all, remember these simple rules:
1. The baby should only exercise when he is healthy, cheerful, and in a good mood. If you feel that your baby is sad, comfort him, let him take his time to calm down and relax a little bit.
2. The total duration of the session is 15 minutes. Children have much less stamina than grown-ups, thus they get tired faster. In this case, if it’s not necessary to perform a set of exercises in a single course, you can do the exercises in portions throughout the day.
3. The baby is more easily involved in the exercising process when he hears nursery rhymes and a cheerful mother's voice. The secret is you being cheerful and sending positive vibes to your child as well!