Where are high-quality orthopedic shoes manufactured?

Choosing high-quality orthopedic shoes is a difficult task because, unfortunately, there are many scammers on the market who sell low-quality shoes. Before buying any shoes, check out the website of the manufacturer: there you should find the exact country where shoes are manufactured. If you don’t find the information provided by the manufacturer reliable, better consult the orthopedist or look for the information on the Internet.
Twiki orthopedic shoes are manufactured by Trives company established in 1992 in St. Petersburg. For over 28 years the company has been manufacturing and selling medical and health products. For a quarter of a century, Trives has come a long way of growth and development, having established itself as a responsible manufacturer and reliable partner.
The Trives company has been cooperating with the scientific and practical center of medical and social expertise, prosthetics, and rehabilitation of disabled people named after G.A. Albrecht for a long time. Together with the doctors of this scientific center, our specialists test and analyze Twiki children's orthopedic shoes for compliance with the requirements for orthopedic shoes, that’s why you can fully trust us while buying Twiki for your children!